Monday, September 19, 2011

Give your prostate massage partner - learn how to perform

Derived from the Greek word - "prostate" literally means someone who, above or, in other words, is the guardian or guardians. Basically it is an exocrine gland in the reproductive organs of most mammals (male) to find. And the paraurethral glands or Skene's glands in female mammals have been officially classified as a female prostate by the Federative International Committee on Anatomical Terminology, said in 2006. If the prostate massage is performed regularly, is not the intensityof prostate cancer and has not yet found an effective means against them. Or near the prostate when the prostate massage is usually done, is really good for prostate health and alleviate the risk of prostate enlargement. The term used for enlarged prostate, benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).

The prostate massage is also serves as a prelude for use on your partner, so no matter what your goal is to make known to your husbandabout his logic and make sure he understands what will happen when it is. If he even knows what it is and how do you safely comfortable then go ahead run, to your partner. And here is the procedure how to make your partner:


Knowledge and to ensure that is comfortable, keep your nails trimmed and clean, and file the jagged edges. Ask your partner to do a bowel movement or urinate before the process is the massageperformed. This is important to ensure that he is completely relaxed as possible - you may want to try one of the relaxation techniques as well. Now clean your hands and wear sterile latex glove on one of your hands and after dabbing a little 'liquid lubricant on the tip of the fingers of the gloves and gently insert your fingers into his anus.

Give your prostate massage partner - learn how to perform

Attention inward and also to move upwards against the rectal lining and make sure your fingers are touching on the direction of his navel. Notpush up, he need just a little 'more than an inch, say 2.5 to 3 cm. And now you get to touch the prostate, which would then leave it feeling a little light bulb of tissue about the size of a walnut. Give it a gentle massage by rubbing slowly along the sides and push hard and do not touch the gland with your fingernails.

Give your prostate massage partner - learn how to perform

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